Life happens. I wish I could see into the future. I would have taken a few minutes to say three little words. I would like to dedicate this blog to Larry Malfy and Gerard Reilly, two family members who died too soon and are greatly missed.

Larry, a dedicated and loving husband to my cousin Patricia, passed away suddenly on January 26th. He was a thoughtful and caring man. The first to greet you at the door and to ask how everything was going. He loved home projects and naturally always asked us about “The Little Brick House.” Larry loved being with family. He took care of everyone and everything. I would like to dedicate this page to Larry for his love of home and family.

Gerry, a very dear uncle with a great big heart, died at home on April 6th. He supported this old house venture in many ways, with a birdhouse for the yard, local restaurant cards for lunch, and all sorts of greeting cards to our PO Box in which he said, “I feel like I am really getting my money’s worth by sending these all the way to Maine!”. People were always laughing when Gerry was around. I would like to dedicate this page to my Uncle Gerry for the many gifts he gave to all of us.